Sudanese American Soccer Federation (SASF)


Feel Free to Reach out If you Have Any Questions!


  • The rules of the competition shall be binding on all teams taking part
  • Extra rules are imposed due to COVID 19 outbreak
  • The Tournament organizers’ decision is final in all matters of rule interpretation
    Any team failing to comply with the rules or code of conduct may be expelled from the tournament

•  All matches shall be played at Mayor Bob Leonard Park in Tennessee.
• The pitch dimensions shall be approximately 110 yards x 70 yards.
• The goal size will be standard
• The penalty spot shall be 12 yards out from the goal line in the center of the goal.

• All those who are not playing in the field shall have masks. Those who do not put on masks may be asked to leave the tournament venue.
• Teams and families shall be sequestered in their rooms throughout the tournament. Gatherings in the hotel and the field that do not observe social distancing shall not be tolerated.
• Any team member or supporter that shows symptoms that indicate a possibility of sickness shall inform his team administration and the tournament administration immediately. The tournament administration shall then arrange for testing and a possible quarantine of those who test positive.
• If three members of a team test positive for COVID 19 that team shall be disqualified from the tournament and shall be advised to quarantine themselves and travel in isolation of the general public.
• The tournament committee may decide to terminate the tournament if there is an outbreak among three or more teams, or any other health concern that might lead the committee to deem continuing the tournament hazardous and might jeopardize the wellbeing of the players, delegation and all those in attendance.
• To avoid such mischievous situations, it is advised that each delegation test for COVID 19 three weeks at least before the tournament, those who test positive must then quarantine themselves for 15 days before rejoining their teams.

• 3 points shall be awarded for a win and 1 point shall be awarded for a draw.
• Final position in a group shall be determined by:
           o Points
           o The result of the game between the two teams in the group.
           o Goal Difference
           o Total Goals
           o Coin Toss
• In elimination games and in case of a draw 5 penalty kicks shall be awarded to each team to break the tie, if the tie persists then sudden death penalty kicks shall be awarded to both teams. Except for the final game or games where an extra time of 2 halves of 10 minutes shall be played with 2 minutes of break in-between the halves.

• Ruling on the field is final and cannot be appealed.
• All other complains, including eligibility of players, shall be filed in writing within 30 minutes of the end of the game and the decision of the tournament committee is final.

• All players, managers, team officials, parents and spectators must comply with the following code of conduct
• We want the members related to our Tournament to play football (soccer) in a positive atmosphere free from foul and abusive language, undue pressure, embarrassment and prejudice.
• Please help us to achieve this aim by abiding by this simple code:
           a- Never dispute a referee’s decision – they can make mistakes, just like you and me.
           b- Foul or abusive language from players, spectators or officials will not be tolerated.
           c- The health and safety of players is paramount. Do not encourage players to continue playing if they are obviously injured or unwell.
           d- Physical harm or intent to harm and violence will NOT BE TOLARATED
           e- In the event of any assault / fight from a player to a player, official or tournament staff…. Under the referee’s advice, Tournament Committee will have the final ruling on the game and tournament.
           f- The Tournament Committee could decide to:
                      o Terminate immediately game being played

                      o Terminate entire tournament

           g- We highly recommend to coaches to talk to your players about these rules. These games are friendly games intended to compete and have a safe time. Coaches should use common sense in the management of their players if they observed any sings of possible violence.

• Warm-ups must take place on or around game field.

The Ball:
• Tournament will use regulation size 5 balls
• The match ball shall be provided by the ‘home’ team.
• Home team is the first team listed on schedule

• All teams shall submit a roster of their players and the number of players in the roster shall not exceed 25 and shall not be less than 11 players.
• All teams shall play with 11 players on the pitch with as many substitutes as desired. In the event of injuries/dismissals, a team can complete a match with a minimum of 8 players. Any less and the game is stopped with the score at that point standing.
• Substitutes can be used continuously through each game and players may reenter the game.

• All teams shall play with 3 players maximum on the pitch with 2 substitutes.
• In the event of complaints, the Tournament Committee shall determine the status of the player on its own discretion and its decisions are final.

• All players must wear shin guards.
• Appropriate footwear should be worn.
• No jewelry to be worn or taped up.

• Games in the tournament shall be of 2 halves of 35 minutes, with a 10 minutes half time.
• There shall be a changeover period of 10 minutes between each fixture.

• If a team fails to make it within 15 minutes of the kick off time stated without good reason, the match shall not be played and the opposing team will be awarded a 1-0 victory.
• A coin will be tossed prior to every match.
• The team that wins the toss will decide which end to attack. The opposing team shall take the kick off.
• Centre kicks are to be taken after a goal is scored.

• Goalkeepers are not allowed to pick up the ball if it is intentionally and directly passed or thrown to them by a team mate. The penalty for infringement is a free kick on the edge of the penalty area in line with where the offense took place.

• Penalty kicks will be taken from the penalty spot, 12 yards from the center of the goal.

• The standard method of throwing the ball in from behind the head will be the only permitted method.

• Corner kicks may be taken one yard in from the corner of the pitch.

• Any number of substitutions can be made and a substituted player may re-enter the game.

• Players that are cautioned will be automatically suspended form their teams next match.
• Any player cautioned twice or dismissed (shown a red card), twice during the tournament shall take no further part in the tournament.

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